Monday, April 30, 2007

Cover of Night by Linda Howard

Grade: D-
Cover Grade: B
Buy It: Here
Disc's: 9

The Cover:
Well not much to say on this one. It's decent, what can I say? I'm not jumping out of my skin over it, but I don't have anything bad to say on it either. Pretty boring cover chat huh? Well then, let's just skip this one and move onto the book.

From the Publisher:
In the charming rural town of Trail Stop, Idaho, accessible to the outside world by only a single road, young widow Cate Nightingale lives peacefully with her four-year-old twin boys, running a bed-and-breakfast. Though the overnight guests are few and far between - occasional hunters and lake fishermen - Cate always manages to make ends meet with the help of the local jack-of-all-trades, Calvin Harris, who can handle everything from carpentry to plumbing. But Calvin is not what he seems, and Cate's luck is about to run out.

One morning, the B&B's only guest inexplicably vanishes, leaving behind his personal effects. A few days later Cate is shocked when armed men storm the house, demanding the mystery man's belongings. Fearing for her children's lives, Cate agrees to cooperate - until Calvin saves the day, forcing the intruders to scatter into the surrounding woods.

The nightmare, however, is just beginning. Cate, Calvin, and their entire community find themselves cut off and alone with no means to call for help as the threat gathers intensity and first blood is drawn.

With their fellow residents trapped and the entire town held hostage, Cate and Calvin have no choice but to take the fight to their enemies under the cover of night. While reticent Cal becomes a fearless protector, Cate makes the most daring move of her life…into the very heart of danger.

From Me:
Hmmm okay, where to start? Maybe the fact that there was a grown man, ex-marine, that blushed rosy red and stuttered every time Cate even looked his way? Or no, let's start with the four year old kids that were described as freaking two year olds.

Yeah, we're gonna start there. What the hell? Maybe it's the fact that I have a four year old daughter but I just wasn't buying it. I don't always like reading a lot about kids in my books but sometimes it does work, I get that. But if you do write them in, know how a kid that age acts. Like I said Abby is four, and she was so off the mark, with how they act to what they say to HOW they say things. I swear I kept pausing the book CD and saying "Abby say drill! Abby say..." and so on. Yeah either my daughter is the freaking bomb or LH was way off. Or wait, it could be both cause my daughter is the bomb, takes after her mom, lol.

I just couldn't buy that in the three or four years that Cate lived in Trail Stop she never once noticed in this little itty bitty town that Cal never once blushed or stuttered when talking to anyone but her. Come on, please. And he was just waiting for her to stop mourning? Be a man, step up and make her take notice, maybe then she'd have stopped mourning a little earlier.

And the bad guys? They were supposed to be professional? Yeah right, like I bought that one. I mean honestly I can't even give this book a true review since I skipped over so much of it. The bad guys talk was so boring and what the hell was up with the one guy in bed with that crazy girl then in the end hearing about the eye ball thing? Is that supposed to be the sequel? The crazies find love? Ewwww.

I was way more interested in Joshua and Nina. I was disappointed that there wasn't more about them. They were so much more interesting! I wish we got to read their love scene, I'm sure it was hotter than Cal and Cate. OMG was that a lame scene or what? LH is slacking!

The readers:Joyce Bean~ Reading Cate's part. She did decent except for the kids parts, those I hated. Hated the voices. But over all good.
Dick Hill~ Reading Cal and the bad guys. OMG QUIT RIGHT NOW!!!! He might have been part of the bad grade here. Cal sounded so unattractive and the bad guys? First of all I couldn't understand a lot of it, then the one guy had such a low squeaky voice I had to skip all his parts. It was just bad. Brutally bad!


Anonymous said...

It was a freakin book on tape? I'll head over to the library and pick this up and check it out.

I usually like Linda Howard so we'll see how it goes.

Nicole said...

I usually LOVE LH too, but this one? I don't know, I just wasn't feeling it.

Rowena said...

Yeah I heard the same thing from Holly...she didn't like this book at all, and if you're reading Killing Time, I want to know how you like that one any better, because I hated that book.

Yeah, I don't think I'm gonna be checking this book out.

Ugh, I love LH too!

reviewer said...

You know, reading about these kids who don't act their age irks me as well.

Nicole said...

So far so good with Killing Time. It's an audio book so I only listen to it when I'm in the car. And today I couldn't listen to it at all. The kids were with me and it is on the first sex scene. It was so funny cause we're driving and all the sudden it says "his penis was erect..." and I'm all OH SHIT in my head and slammed it off real quick. lol.

I know it's one of my biggest pet peeves.

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