Tuesday, May 15, 2007


The Daystar by Rene Lyons is out in Print today! I've read this one and LOVED it! So get on it,you know I know good books. haha.

Rene's wowed everyone with her first release of Midnight Sun, the first in her Templar Vampire Series then topped that one (in my opinion) with The Daystar. Constantine and Lex will blow you away. The story is excellent and the chemistry between these two? Well you just don't want to miss it.

As I said before e-books are great for convenience but when you find a great author like Rene Lyon's you just have to have the print version for your keeper shelf.

So go here and get your copy now.


Stacy~ said...

This one and Haley's Cabin sound fab. I've added them to my tbb notebook, which is several pages long btw.

Nicole said...

Yeah, you and me both Stacy! lol. And it is ever growing. But these are great reads.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Thanks!!

How's you? Miss ya.

Shelly said...

This one intrigues me. I think I'll go check it out. I'll probably download it at Samhain.

Harlot and Trollop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Harlot and Trollop said...

Oh I love vampire books! How come I haven't heard of this series before?!?!

I'll check this book out.

Thanks for the heads up Nicole! *G*


Sorry, too lazy to change into my own blogger account since I'm doing some changes from this one; don't want to keep going back and forth *sigh*

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