Thursday, May 10, 2007

Changes, changes....SORRY!

I know I haven't posted in a few days now. But if you've noticed my blogs been changing day to day. I loved my first template...but I REALLY wanted three columns (anyone know how to make a two column into a three???).

After a bit of hunting I THOUGHT I found one I liked, but low and behold I didn't end up loving it. I did find another one that was really cool, but for some reason it didn't work, that was annoying. So now I have this, yes I know it is kind of boring. I am working on finding something else.

If anyone likes making custom templates feel free to volunteer your services to this to picky to find a free one girl! lol.

As soon as I'm done messing with my template we'll be back to regularly scheduled blogging.

I have my review for Tempted by Lori Foster coming up, especially for Chantal. And lots more, so keep checking in on me!



~ames~ said...

Can't wait for your review of Tempted. I have this one in my tbr pile. :P

Nicole said...

I'm doing it tonight or tomorrow! Promise! lol.

Lori said...

Hey Nicole - Here's a blog where you can pick up the code on how to add a third sidebar to your 2 sidebar Blogger template in the ew Blogger. I did it for Let's Gab.

You can email me if you need any help... mctclover @

Hope that helps!!

Nicole said...

Thanks so much Lori!