Thursday, May 10, 2007

Update, and News....of sorts.

Okay so I picked this layout and I'm sticking with it unless (or should I be positive and say until?) I get a custom made template for myself. I love the three columns. What I hate is that there is no navigating bar on the top of the blog. Does anyone know how to fix that? Grrr.

I've updated my links on the side bars, if I missed anyone that posts here or I on yours please remind me. Here in the comment section. If your a book blog I'll link you here, if not I'll link you on my personal blog.

But for some exciting news....I just got Taming Him in the mail from Kate Rothwell/Summer Devon! Yeah! So I am putting everything else aside and reading this. Review soon to come. She even wrote to me in it saying "For Nicole- Because you begged so beautifully! -heart- Summer Devon". Who knew begging could be such a great thing! lol. Thanks Summer, I look forward to the read.

Oh and just so you all know...the audio book of To Die For by LH was soooo horribly read I had to stop after the first disc. I moved on to Cry No More, I love this story soooooo much, it never gets old. Give me some Diaz any day! Mmmmmm BABY!


~ames~ said...

Hey Nicole, like the new layout. :P I don't think a nav bar would go good with this color scheme anyway. But that's just me.

Nicole said...

I don't think it would match well either, but isn't it inconvienent? Or am I just not used to it?

reviewer said...

I love it :)
I was going to use this layout on my blog, but at the time the code was not loading properly for me.

Nicole said...

Thanks, at first I was settling for it since I didn't have anything else. But I really like how it is turning out now. So I think it's a keeper.

Harlot and Trollop said...

I have to say I LOVE LOVE this template! Probably b/c I like nice/light colors and neat/simple layouts but I think your design rocks! :D

I could get you the code for the nav bar (took us FOREVER to get rid of ours BTW LOL) but I agree with Ames and Chantal it would clash with your puurrty and classy design :)

Congrats on the new site btw, it looks fantastic.

Lori said...

This is really pretty. I like it.

Nicole said...

Harlot and Trollop,
I only wanted the nav bar because I thought it was inconvenient for others. But if it looks better this way and nobody's complaining...well then let's leave my pretty blog alone. lol.

Thanks so much for stopping by!


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